Friday, July 10, 2015

According to Forbes: Marketing Trends To Watch For This Year

             In this particular article, 11 trends were discussed, however for the sake of not being repetitive, I simply wanted to focus on the key points that I found most insightful. Now what really caught my attention here is that Forbes mentioned a concept that few other articles really touched on and that was: anticipate what is to come and get a jump start. This idea of getting ahead of the trends in order to anticipate whats to come before it gets here, seems like possibly one of the most crucial and effective tools utilized my any marketing strategy or plan of action.
             What I got out of this article was simply: utilize the obvious advantages in this "new" marketing world. The public in many ways has become so transparent that it is all about finding what controls the masses, and play off that angle.
            Whether it is discussing transparency, or technological influence, or any other of the 11 trends Forbes addresses, the one thing I really found to be the key message in all trends was the utilization of obvious and emerging advantages. Play off common sense and regain control of the environment- those who control the media control the masses.
             Obviously, I want to reiterate that this is not exactly what this Forbes article is saying, however this is my take on it. Perhaps I am missing the mark here, but I really did get something out of it and feel I did learn valuable insight from these intellectuals. What I really did like about all of my research concerning marketing trends and how different industries viewed marketing it seemed that there was across the board, a new found respect.
             Maybe it has always been this important, however it seems the more and more that technology advances, the more of a scientific approach is taken in regards to marketing. I suppose we have always needed marketing and it has always been important, however now it seems to have acquired a higher level of respect. In my eyes it is art and it is science and it makes this world go 'round.

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